The second character trait that is essential to leadership is having a servant’s heart. If leaders do not set an example for their ministry by serving, then many times the ministry will mirror their example. Whether it is helping clean up after a church event or preaching to a congregation, a servant’s heart must be exemplified in leadership. When it comes to serving, actions speak louder than words.
Jesus was the prime example of having a servant's heart by washing the disciples’ feet. Jesus explains the importance of following his example in John 13:15, “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” Jesus was willing to humble himself from the cultural norm as a Rabbi and set an example for the disciples. Jesus’ heart is service, and when a Christian leader realizes that, then he will reap the benefits of placing others first and himself last.
If leaders serve others first, the people will follow right behind with a visual example of Christ-likeness.