
Ministry + Family update


My family and I have been so blessed over the years with people near and far who love us and pray for our ministry. I wanted to give you an update on our future and what’s to come for us in the days ahead. This past Sunday, I shared with our church family that I have accepted the call to become the Lead Teaching Pastor at The Bridge Church in Venice, Florida.

It has truly been an incredible blessing to be a part of Chets Creek Church and see the North Campus planted and growing. We have watched God transform lives and people find hope in Jesus! And while we are going to miss our Chets family greatly, we know that God is calling us onward to join the work He is doing at The Bridge!

My last Sunday preaching at Chets Creek North will be March 15.

Will you join us in praying for a few things?

  • Pray for the North Campus. For the church to grow and continue the mission to reach more people for Jesus!

  • Pray for everything to go smoothly with selling our home (we went under contract three days after listing!)

  • Pray for us as we search for a new place to live in the Venice area.

  • Pray for The Bridge and for God to bless this ministry to be all that He wants it to be!

We love you all and are very grateful for your prayers in the days ahead!

Lead by Example

I've thought a lot lately about my example as a Dad. A pastor. A friend. "Do as I say and not as a I do" is an ineffective way to lead people.

If I want my children to love Jesus, I need to love Jesus by example. If I want students that I lead to share their faith, I need to share my faith. If I want people to be in small groups, I need to be in a small group.

"Everything rises and falls on leadership." John Maxwell "Leadership is action, not position. "D.H. McGannon "Do-so is more important than say-so." Pete Seeger

People not only want to be taught but they want to emulate. Just as important as our public leadership is our private leadership of our actions.

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