Update on Life

Here is a quick snapshot of what has been happening in life lately!

  • The New Year has been a blessing - We are seeing God do great things! Baptizing 4 students in the morning!
  • We are praying for a home - we put an offer on one but are awaiting word on if it is in foreclosure and all the details of working through it.
  • I'm pumped for the summer - Puerto Rico mission trip and WIRED camp will be awesome.
  • I had the chance to preach both services last Sunday morning - it was a blessing to share with the church. A 5th grade girl received Christ!
  • I've been working hard on planning the "Totally Consumed" Beach Retreat - April 9-11 in PCB, Florida. Looking forward to having my brother Jeff speak and Tim and Em Flowers lead worship!
  • We have 31 people going on our Puerto Rico mission trip this summer! Excited that they have committed to come and serve.
  • Looking forward to the last season of LOST and 24
  • I start Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary classes Monday morning. Pray for me. I'm taking 2 classes at a time. My goal is to be done with my master's degree this summer.