Prayer for cancer

My brother...

My family has gone through a lot in the past year. My younger brother Jordan has cancer (epithelial sarcoma) and has been taking chemotherapy and radiation. He has been an amazing example of trusting God through life's storms. My brothers, Jeff (27), Jordan (20) and Justin (17) are my closest friends. 2ebd7db31179e173ef86c85.jpg

Jordan in Kazakhstan for a mission trip June 2007, right before his first surgery.


Summer family trip to the mountains, prior to Jordan's surgery. 158470291177951340f44b8.jpg

Jordan plays basketball for North Greenville University (He is a baller).

Check out Jordan's website!

Sign his guest book on the site and please continue praying for Jordan.

No matter what life throws, Jesus is the source of strength and hope. I'd appreciate you lifting Jordan up in prayer.

Thanks so much.