
Jesus > Religion

Jeff Bethke has shared another great video that is powerful and filled with convicting truth. He posted this video a few days ago and already it has over 6 million views. Many people are still mixed up about Jesus. Following Jesus is a relationship not a religion! My prayer is that we understand the gospel is not earned by good deeds but only through Jesus' payment of sin on the cross. My prayer is that true Christianity will shine through the facade of religious ritual and man-centered theology. Great job Jeff!

"Now let me clarify: I love the church; I love the Bible, and, yes, I believe in sin. But if Jesus came to your church, would they actually let Him in?" Bethke asks in his video message.

J-Rob Productions

My younger brother, Justin is amazing at making quality videos. I am excited about the future ministry that he will have and how media will be used to share the gospel. It all started when we were young kids, making funny videos with a huge camera you had to hold on your shoulder! Now, technology has brought us to being able to shoot in HD, edit professionally, and upload online! All along God has used Justin to communicate with media. My prayer is that God continues to open up doors for his movies to reach the masses with the gospel! Below are a few of his recent videos! Check out his youtube channel. Thailand Mission Trip

HD GroPro Reel (Notice my Jeep) 2 Years of College in 3 Minutes