
I am blessed

I had the chance to spend time with my family in Greenville this last weekend. I'm reminded of how special family is to our lives. I'm thankful for a family that sticks close to each other through the good and bad times.

I'm thankful for God giving me and Mom and Dad that seek after God with passion. My Dad has served God for over 33 years in ministry and continues to serve and witness daily for Christ. I'm thankful for my Mom, she totally rocks. She is a continual encouragement to people, young and old.

My older brother Jeff has been a huge example for me to follow. I have had the most fun in my life when we served together on staff in a small town in southwest Georgia (Iron City). We saw God work in a mighty way, with over 40 people baptized per year in a town of a little over 300 people. Jeff has an awesome future as a leader for this generation.

My brother Jordan who is with Jesus is a daily example and reminder of this verse, "But to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21. I miss him everyday but know he is looking from Heaven and cheering for us to run the race of life with endurance.

My brother Justin is creative, passionate and has a heart for ministry. He is the youngest and had to put up with a lot growing up! Now that he is a senior in high school he is growing into a man of God. Not only am I proud of his walk with God but his fun-loving attitude. Check out his awesome videos!

Last but not least, my wife is AMAZING. I definitely "out-punted my coverage!" She is my best friend and I love serving Jesus with her everyday (she is a babe too!). Check out her website and be encouraged by her music!

To sum it all up, "The greatest things in life are not things."

I'm one blessed dude. Thank you Jesus.