
Leadership Summit - Day #1

Day one of the summit has been insightful and challenging to me personally. I appreciate this time to grow and learn more about being a good leader. The pursuit of becoming a better leader is a journey, not a destination we come to in life.

Few notes/quotes from today:

"Do we still believe the church is God's hope to the world?" - Bill Hybels

The church has a huge opportunity to starting actually "being" the church to the hurting world. God's plan has always been for the local church to be His "hands and feet" to the world. God does not have a plan "B", we are it!

"We will not see real change in the community until it happens first in the church"

"Is the church keeping up with the cultural climate of today?"

"Are we doing things "this" way because God commanded it or because it is tradition?"

"What hasn't changed in the last 3-5 years in your church?"

"Is the church built on redemption, reconciliation and renewal? Or is it policies, procedures, and programs?" - Gary Hamel

The world is wanting to see the church put their faith to action. I'm excited about what God is doing at FBC Ashford. I believe the church is ready to impact the community and world for Christ.

Tim Keller spoke on the parable of the prodigal son. It was a powerful look at the elder brother in the story.

"Religion = I obey, therefore God accepts me. The Gospel = I'm accepted, therefore I obey." - Tim Keller

My favorite speaker was Harvey Carey. He has a powerful ministry to reach the inner city of Detroit.

"The role of the leader is to equip" (Ephesians 4:11)

"The church members must have ownership of the ministry"

"We must break out of our spiritual huddles and get in the game and be the church" - Harvey Carey

It was an encouraging day for me! What are your thoughts?