
Great memories!

Here is a few pictures of my wedding. It was the greatest day of my life other than accepting Christ! One of the main reasons it was special was to have my brother Jordan in my wedding. He is my daily inspiration and hero. I hope that you realize today that we do not know how long we have on earth and to tell the people in your life that you love them and treasure the time you spend together. I hope that you spend each day sharing Jesus with others, hurting with and for people, and mending hearts through the power of God's love in this broken world.

Jordan will always be missed, but his inspiration will live on in my heart daily and that is this... live a humble and courageous life for Christ.


Back from the honeymoon!

We had an amazing honeymoon and enjoyed the reality of beginning life together! I can say that I married way above me and Cassidy is definitely a huge blessing and gift from God. I'm getting back into the swing of things back in the "real world", it sure was nice to take a few days in the Caribbean and relax and get to know Cassidy more! Here's a few pictures from our honeymoon to St. Maarten!


We have a lot more pictures but here is a few of our honeymoon!

The Wedding countdown! 5 days!

Life has been really busy lately. Time is flying by with ministry and wedding plans. I'm so pumped for this Saturday!!! God has truly blessed me beyond what I ever deserve. I'm excited about seeing my family as they all come in, we will have lots of good laughs and encouragement Family:


Here is Mrs. Robinson-to-be...

God is good!
