Disciple Now

Decrease Weekend Highlights!

What do you get when you have over 200 people excited about learning how to decrease and Christ increase in their lives over a weekend? An awesome move of God!

We saw 15 students being a relationship with Christ. We had more wanting to follow in baptism in a few weeks. I have heard story after story of adult leaders sharing about how they are growing personally. I absolutely love our church and its passion to reach this generation with Christ.

Decrease weekend helped me realize these truths: - Team is important in student ministry. Without a healthy group of adult leaders, there would be no student ministry to all of the students. - The overall church vision is most important. Church @ The Springs understands the importance of pouring into this generation. The support I have from my pastor, staff and members has been overwhelming.  - Students are hungry for God. I enjoy students asking for devotionals and telling me that they responded to the gospel for the first time and want to be baptized! -  Parents are investing in their student's eternity. It was great hearing the excitement in parent's voices as they celebrated life change in their children. -  Equipping is a leader's main pursuit. When I hear a student excited about their small group leader (instead of me), I am thankful. If parents, college students and adults are equipped and become champions for discipling students, then we are making a dent in this generation for Christ. - We are hardly scratching the surface. As I look at the overall picture of central Florida, I see an abundance of families who desperately need the hope that only Jesus can provide.

All the stories of life change always reflect the heart of God. I'm grateful He allows me to be a part of what He is doing in people's lives.



Decrease Weekend is Here!

We have been looking forward to Decrease weekend for months! It is our annual discipleship weekend focused upon,

"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:30

We are pumped about having an entire weekend to pour God's Word into students lives and to see them grow in relationships with others.

 My older brother Jeff is the speaker for Decrease weekend. Jeff is a pastor and has served as a student minister and a college professor. He holds an Advanced Masters of Divinity degree in Apologetics (Philosophy & Ethics) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is currently pursuing the PhD in Apologetics from Liberty University. He has had the privilege to travel to Kazakhstan, United Kingdom, Romania, Costa Rica, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil and Haiti (and Texas).

Alex Duncan has been leading worship for approximately eight years. Currently, he's an intern at Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Also, he is interested in anything pertaining to the Florida Gators and The Killers.

Please be in prayer that lives are changed by Christ! 

Quick update...

I haven't been very good about posting lately, life has been really busy. Fusion was awesome this past weekend! We had some students get saved and some committing to follow God more closely! I was able to spend some time with my Mom and brothers, Jeff and Justin throughout the weekend and got to spend all day with them and Cassidy at the beach on Monday. God has blessed me with so many awesome people in my life to support and encourage me.

My adult leadership for the student ministry was amazing at Fusion weekend! They all worked so hard and had a "can-do" attitude no matter what. It is great to serve with people with a heart of service!

I'm off to finish getting ready for Elevate tonight!