
What I'm Learning Being a Dad

IMG_8004Life has changed a lot for me the past few years. I am a Husband and a Father. I'm learning so much that it doesn't seem like there is enough time in the day to remember what it is I'm learning!

I am extremely blessed.

God has given me a wife that is a picture of Jesus and a son that helps me see the love of God.

4 Lessons that Micah is helping me learn: 

Micah helps me see God in a new way. I know more of God's heart after becoming a Father. I have more clarity on how my Heavenly Father views me. He picks me up when I fall down. He protects me from hurts but sometimes allows me to learn the hard way so I can grow.

Micah helps remind me of my brother Jordan. Micah's middle name was given to him in honor of my brother, Jordan. I want Jordan's memory to live on in Micah. Jordan's life was short here on earth. A quick 20 years. He left a legacy of quiet, strong passion to follow God. I want Micah to learn about this passion as I share Jordan's life with him as he grows up.

Micah helps me know that I have a lot to learn. I feel the pressure that parents feel. Am I doing everything I need too? What am I missing? What words do I need to teach him? Do I need to pray more? Do I need to read the Bible more?

Micah helps me see that I need more of God. I want to be a better Father through growing closer to my Heavenly Father. Only when I am clean and close to God will I ever be the Dad that Micah (and baby #2 on the way) would want to emulate.

What are you learning as a parent? Do you have any thoughts or encouragement on parenting?

Share in the comments below.


Did You Hear?

babyannouncement1We are excited about becoming a family of four! It has been a blast watching Micah grow each day and now we are looking forward to seeing him be a big brother to baby #2! The due date will be sometime early March! I can only imagine how many diapers will be used in the Robinson household! We would appreciate your prayers for Cassidy and the baby!

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3

The 5 Best Years of My Life

cassidy-weddingI am blessed beyond what I deserve! I have had the time of my life the past five years. Why you ask?

I'm married to the love of my life, Cassidy! She is my encourager, team-mate in ministry, and mother to Micah. As time has passed, I look back with gratitude that God's grace was shown by giving Cassidy to me as my wife. The woman of my dreams said, "I do" on June 14th, 2008 in Ocala, Florida. We were engaged four months earlier on a cool day in February (Valentine's day to be exact).

She is a great wife AND and a loving mother to Micah. She is a gift from God!

I wanted to document and share past anniversaries through pictures!

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful, beautiful wife Cassidy! 

1st Anniversary - Panama City Beach, Florida (deep-sea fishing!) 1-year-anniversary

2nd Anniversary - Orlando trip to visit Sea World 2-year-anniversary

3rd Anniversary - Hilton Head Island, SC hiltonhead-collage

4th Anniversary - Orlando, FL to visit Epcot at Disney (Cassidy was 7 months pregnant) 4-year-anniversary

Currently, we are celebrating our 5th Anniversary by spending the day in Greenville, SC together! 

I look forward to many more years together!