Top Blog Posts

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2013

I wanted to share the top blog posts that received the most traffic this year.

1. The Movement eBook  (I shared my heart on student ministry in a short e-book. You can still download today)

2. How do you decide on which movie to watch? (Practical tips on making wise choices with media)

3. Jordan My Hero (Remembering my brother Jordan)

4. Did You Hear?  (Sharing the news of our second child on the way)

5. Evernote and Student Ministry (Helpful tips on using Evernote in ministry)

6. The "B" Word (My thoughts on bullying in today's culture)

7. The 5 Best Years of My Life (I love my wife)

8. Events that Grow a Ministry (Tips on how to connect events to ongoing weekly ministry)

9. What I'm Learning being a Dad  (Sharing my heart on being a Dad)

10. How to Assassinate Someone's Character (Speaking life into others)

Top Blog Posts of 2012

Here are the top blog posts of 2012! 

  1. Coming September 2012...

  2. Defeating Two Types of Porn

  3. When Your Wife is Pregnant

  4. Micah's First Week  

  5. My Prayer for Micah

  6. Source Volunteer Handbook 

  7. Transitioning in Ministry

  8. Branding your Student Ministry 

  9. The Gift of Life

  10. God, Have you Forgotten Me?

I am also a contributor with great youth ministry friends at:! Here are a few posts I have written to share with the youth worker community: - A Letter to Adult Volunteers - Interview Tips for Student Pastors - Helping Students Understand the Importance of Reading their Bible - Passion of Presence 

Thank you for reading the blog. My hope is that my website is an encouragement to you!

 Happy New Year!

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2011


It has been a great year! Here are the top 5 blog posts with the most traffic from 2011: 1. Thoughts on Spiritual Growth 

2. Remembering Jordan Robinson (my most viewed blog ever and I would not want it any other way. I miss you Jordan!)

3. What Every Leader Needs: Communication

4. Parenting Decisions that Drive Me Crazy

5. How to Be a Coward

6. How to Defeat Pornography 

7. Leadership Spotlight: Moses 

8. Health and the Ministry 

9. Thoughts on Parenting Styles

10. Health is a Lifestyle