ministry life

A Great Leadership Question

I make a lot of decisions each day. I make decision on what I eat for lunch and how much time I give to my family and student ministry. Honestly, most of the decisions I make on a daily basis are usually focused upon myself. Ouch right? I'm sure you can relate in some way. One of the questions that I am struggling through in my ministry and personal life is:

  "Does this decision point me to God?"

Paul was an inspirational leader in the early church. He wrote about making decisions that matter to God.

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31.

In my ministry, "does my ministry point people to God or to me?" In my media choices, "does this TV show/movie/music point me closer to God?" In my marriage, "does the way I treat my wife help her feel the love of God?" In my parenting, "does Micah feel closer to God around me?" In my friendships, "do my friends feel closer to God because of my decisions?"

The answer to these questions could explain what you and I worship. 

Life has a way of complicating the simple, most important parts of our lives. God is the center. Everything must flow out of this relationship and pour into others.

What about you? How important is the question, "does this decision point me to God?"


The Reason to Rest

6302_539870194516_614996975_nWe live in a fast-paced culture. Busy schedules and overloaded family lives are one of the enemies subtle ways to distract us. We have so much technology at our fingertips. It is hard to find an "on" and "off" switch and rest. This week I am on vacation with my family. My goal is to unplug and rest.

I am not the best at unplugging and resting. If I can't slow down and rest, it reveals my heart. If you relate to me and you are in ministry, I encourage you to find moments to unplug and rest in God.

Breathe. Think about God and praise Him. Focus on your family. Read encouraging books. Read a devotional. Read a verse and meditate on it.

God rested on the seventh day after creation. If He made it a priority, how much more should we unplug and rest in His love?

My Prayer for Micah

Time is flying by as we wait for the arrival of Micah Jordan Robinson! His due date is September 3rd but I have a feeling that he is coming early. A lot has happened in the past few months (moving, new church, meeting new people) and more! We are eagerly awaiting Micah! He is active in the womb everyday. I'm amazed at God's handiwork in the beauty of Cassidy as she carries Micah into the last few weeks of her pregnancy. I have felt a lot of emotions already that are hard to describe. Feelings of inadequacy, fear, uncertainty, excitement, and overwhelming gratitude to name a few. Our journey of praying for a child was answered this past fall. The more I think about it, the more I realize God is in control. It is funny when I hear people say, "wow, you chose a hard time to have a baby in the middle of summer." I usually smile and nod. Most people don't understand that we went through a journey to get to this point. A journey that helped us realize how precious it is to have a child on the way.

I'm grateful that God's timing is always perfect.

One of the reasons we chose the name Micah is the meaning of the name ("Who is like God, God's gift"). One of my favorite passages of scripture is Micah 6:8.

 The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8


My prayer for Micah is that he will do what is right no matter what the status quo is in culture. I hope that he will make decisions based upon God's Word.

My prayer for Micah is that he would love mercy. I hope that he will love the least of these. We hope to show him the mercy of Christ and how to pour that out to the world.

My prayer for Micah is that he would walk in humility. I pray he would put others before himself. I pray that he would one day put his faith in Jesus alone for His eternal salvation. I pray that He experiences the love of God and walks in that love daily.